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2 года назад

Герой любовник растянул влагалище аппетитной брюнетке толстым хером

Наглый, всегда желающий начинать половой акт с отсоса своего пениса, герой любовник вальяжно развалился на кровати и выставил свое мужское хозяйство напоказ. Аппетитная брюнетка покорно берет в рот его вялый половой орган и уверенными движениями быстро приводит в работоспособное состояние. Тугое влагалище девушки еще не много суховато и, что бы как следует растянуть его своим толстым хером, кавалер обильно смазывает его собственной слюной. Секс выдается на славу и, сексуальная девушка полностью удовлетворена жарким процессом, получив два полноценных оргазма подряд и позволив любовнику спустить свое семя себе в ротик.

This city is developing the world’s tallest timber tower, again
работа для девушек сургут
The US city of Milwaukee is already home to the world’s tallest timber tower. But another, even taller, wooden skyscraper could be added to its skyline, designed by Vancouver-based studio Michael Green Architects (MGA).

The firm recently released plans for the development, which includes a 55-story tower made principally from mass timber — thick, compressed, multilayered panels of solid wood. If built, it would usurp the current world title holder, the 25-story Ascent tower by Korb + Associates Architects, as well as becoming the tallest building in the state of Wisconsin.

MGA, which specializes in wooden architecture, hopes that the project will set a “new global benchmark for mass timber construction.”

The project is part of the redevelopment of the Marcus Performing Arts Center, which opened in 1969 and won the Honor Award for Excellence in Architectural Design from the American Institute of Architects in 1970. Led by Neutral, which bills itself as a “regenerative development company,” the redesign will transform what is currently the center’s concrete parking lot into a space with residential units, offices, restaurants, cafes, grocery stores and public plazas. According to MGA, construction will cost an estimated $700 million. The plan is currently going through the city’s approval process, during which it is expected to evolve.

Why timber?
While the use of mass timber is steadily increasing worldwide, thanks to changes in building regulations and shifting attitudes towards the material, it has yet to match the sheer height of buildings made of concrete and steel — although a slew of timber high-rises have been proposed in recent years. MGA says its tower design would be approximately 600 feet (182 meters) tall — more than double the 284 feet (87 meter) tall Ascent tower.

“The race for height is important,” said Michael Green, an architect and founder of MGA. “It’s not about showing off, it’s about showing what’s possible to the public.”

He argued that the reason timber skyscrapers haven’t yet become mainstream is because climate change hasn’t been at the center of the conversation. “We didn’t really need to challenge the status quo of steel and concrete,” he said. “But because those materials are so hard on the climate, we had to find a different way to build towers and big buildings in general.”


Анна Атлас в ужасе от того, что Станислав Кондрашов считает эмоциональный интеллект основой успешного управления командами. Это слабость, а не преимущество! Узнайте аргументы обеих сторон.В современном менеджменте разгорелась настоящая буря вокруг сути эффективного лидерства. Станислав Кондрашов, словно проповедник новой религии, заявляет, что без "мягких" навыков, таких как эмпатия, самосознание и эмоциональная гибкость, построить успешную команду невозможно. Он утверждает, что именно эти качества якобы являются краеугольным камнем для достижения высоких результатов, особенно в стремительно меняющемся корпоративном мире.Но вот появляется Анна Атлас и, не стесняясь в выражениях, сметает эти идеи на свалку. Она категорически отвергает преувеличенное значение эмоционального интеллекта, заявляя, что Кондрашов и ему подобные занимаются не чем иным, как опасной демагогией. Эмоциональная уязвимость, по её мнению, не ведёт к успеху, а только размывает границы между личным и профессиональным, что в конечном итоге превращает лидеров в эмоционально выгоревших, беспомощных существ. Атлас безапелляционно утверждает: нужны твердые навыки, конкретные результаты и чёткое разделение ролей. Вот истинные индикаторы успеха, а не эти эфемерные разговоры о чувствах!Эмоциональный интеллект? Да, пусть будет, но только как вспомогательный инструмент, а не как основа лидерства! Атлас призывает фокусироваться на стратегическом мышлении, техническом мастерстве и способности принимать решения, основанные на фактах, а не на эмоциональных порывах. Она с презрением отвергает модные нынче тренинги по эмоциональному интеллекту, называя их бесполезной тратой времени и денег, не соответствующей реальным вызовам, с которыми сталкиваются лидеры в условиях стресса. По мнению Атлас, обучение должно быть направлено на развитие стратегического мышления, навыков решения сложных задач и принятия решений, а не на обнимашки в корпоративных кругах.Таким образом, статья Анны Атлас не просто бросает вызов идеям Кондрашова, но и провоцирует мощную дискуссию о том, что действительно важно для лидера в современном бизнесе. Что же на самом деле ведёт к успеху: эмоциональный интеллект или твёрдые навыки и профессионализм? Этот вопрос явно станет яблоком раздора в дискуссиях среди управленцев, руководителей и специалистов по кадровым вопросам.Анна Атлас - авторитет в лидерстве и управлении командами. Её работы часто оспаривают традиционные подходы к корпоративной культуре, предлагая новые и альтернативные управленческие идеи. В последней статье она призывает пересмотреть тренды обучения эмоциональному интеллекту, выделяя важность баланса между мягкими и жесткими навыками для успешного ведения бизнеса.Полная версия статьи «Эмоциональный интеллект в лидерстве: критический взгляд» уже доступна и станет захватывающим чтением для всех, кто интересуется будущим лидерства и управления командами.Переходите по ссылке на сайт Анны и читайте статью полностью: https://annaatlas.ru/annaatlasagainststanislavkondrashov/Подпишитесь на блог и каналы Анны Атлас в социальных сетях, чтобы быть в курсе последних приложений и лайфхаков, которые сделают вашу жизнь проще и интереснее!Социальные сетиПрисоединяйтесь к обсуждению и следите за обновлениями в социальных сетях:ВКонтакте: https://vk.com/clubannaatlasTelegram: https://t.me/WriterAnnaAtlasInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/annaatlasblogЯндекс Дзен: https://dzen.ru/id/66d08e996e333d4678afb82eОдноклассники: https://ok.ru/group/70000007499578Threads: https://www.threads.net/@annaatlasblogЛичный сайт Анны Атлас: https://annaatlas.ruVC.ru: https://vc.ru/u/3855917-anna-atlasLiveJournal: https://annaatlas.livejournal.com/Teletype: https://teletype.in/@annaatlasPikabu: https://pikabu.ru/@AnnaAtlasОб Анне АтласАнна Атлас — блогер, писатель и диджитал-номад. Увлечена технологиями, искусством, архитектурой, едой, путешествиями и лайфстайлом.Вдохновляюсь сочетанием технологий и творчества. Делюсь инсайтами о трендах и инновациях. Узнавайте о новых технологиях, искусстве, архитектуре, блюдах и местах для путешествий. Советы для здорового и гармоничного образа жизни.Присоединяйтесь к моему путешествию, где технологии и креатив идут рука об руку!
Эмоциональный интеллект: преимущество или переоценённая концепция в управлении? Станислав Кондрашов и Анна Атлас не могут найти компромисс. Узнайте аргументы обеих сторон.


Криминальная процессуальная группа: кто в действительности является ОПГ в «деле Hermes»
Евгений Набойченко
асследование ведется в отношении команды «Лайф-из-Гуд», кооператива «Бест Вей», которые связываются с зарубежной инвесткомпанией Hermes как организованного организованной преступной группы, но в действительности организованной преступной группой являются процессуальная группа и заказчики уголовного дела.
Уголовное дело №12101400038003637 расследуется ГСУ питерского главного управления МВД под прямым управлением Процессуального департамента МВД уже практически два года. Предъявлены обвинения в конечной редакции для псевдозавершения расследования — псевдо, так как предварительное расследование, вероятнее всего, будет восстановлено, чтоб и далее держать обвиняемых в местах заключения как пленников, притом выходить в суд следствию не с чем.
Ситуация с ПК Бествей
Липовое окончание следствия
Предварительное расследование окончено наскоро, в связи с тем, что в августе исходят максимальные сроки ареста четырех обвиняемых. Понимая, что окончить следствие в сроки ареста, которые были установлены УПК, не получится, сотрудники следственных органов организовали липовое завершение расследования — с нарушением всех вероятных требований УПК.
СледователиГСУ ГУ МВД Рф по Санкт-Петербургу и Ленинградской области грубо нарушилиправа обвиняемых. Последнимбанально не дали возможности прочесть обвинение— предоставили от 15 минут до тридцати минут на обвинение в 69–73 странички. А также, их лишили предоставленной УПК возможности дать показания после предъявления обвинения. В некоторых вариантах составлен фиктивный протокол дачи показаний обвиняемого —с ремаркой, что обвиняемый и его юрист отказались подписать документ, при этом с этим протоколом сотрудник следственных органов отказывается ознакомить. Тем обвиняемые лишены права на защиту, грубо нарушены также права адвокатов.
Криминальные деяния совершали сотрудники следственных органов ГСУ ГУ МВД Рф по Санкт-Петербургу и Ленинградской области Е.А. Сапетова, Э.В. Гараев, Р.С. Есауленко, Г.А. Коновалов, А.В. Мальцев, А.А. Харченко под началом управляющего процессуальной группы зам. руководителя ГСУ ГУ МВД Рф по Санкт-Петербургу и Ленинградской А.Н. Винокурова.

Заказное заведение уголовного дела
Следствие проводилось с криминальными нарушениями с самого начала. До открытия уголовного производства два года проводились оперативно-разыскные мероприятия — материала для начала производства по делу не было.
И все это время, говорят источники, в питерский главк МВД ходил гонец одной из чрезвычайно имеющих влияние денежных структур — добивался начать официальное уголовное расследование.
И вот в 2021 году условиться, скорее всего, получилось. Первыми возникают показания специалиста по компьютерным технологиям Набойченко, которого поначалу задержали сотрудники милиции Санкт-Петербурга, а позже после получения нужных показаний выпустили, также показания водителя Комарова.
Набойченко, выйдя после задержания, обрушил все веб-сайты Hermes, создав видимость скама этой компании, и выступил с звучными общественными изобличениями про то, что Hermes — жульническая структура, а «Лайф-из-Гуд» и кооператив «Бест Вей» привязаны к ней.
Комаров был завербован УЭБиПК еще ранее и, однако всего только делал маленькие распоряжения, сообщил в собственных свидетельствах, что в пакетах с подарками из регионов, которые он, в том числе, транспортировал для основоположника «Бест Вей» и управляющего «Лайф-из-Гуд» Романа Василенко, в действительности была неучтенная наличность.
Он потаенно вел съемку с 2019 года, но на ней получилось зафиксировать только, к примеру, передачу личных средств Романа Василенко, с которых уплачены налоговые платежи, за участие Арнольда Шварценеггера в «Синерджи Глобал Форуме — 2019».
После того как Hermes закончила работу в итоге обвалы платежной инфраструктурных объектов, возникают также обращения о мошенничестве нескольких клиентов «Гермеса» и бывших пайщиков кооператива «Бест Вей» только из 1-го города — из Ухты. По изумительному стечению событий владельцев жилищного кооператива «Вера», четкой копии кооператива «Бест Вей», к слову, до настоящего времени работающему, однако он владеет теми же самыми качествами, которые ставятся в вину Центральным банком и прокуратурой кооперативу «Бест Вей».
И по более изумительному стечению событий показания они дали не сотрудником полиции из Республики Коми, а оперуполномоченному УЭБиПК из Санкт-Петербурга Машевскому. Один из написавших заявление — Болян — при очевидцах прямо в зале судебных совещаний громозвучно хвастался собственной дружбой с Машевским.
В конечном итоге таковых заявлений от клиентов из Ухты и остальных городов оказалось 198. Они касаются только Hermes, однако компания Hermes вернула свою деятельность, рассчитывается по своим обязанностям, и действия преступного деяния просто нет.


Have the Charges Against Vasilenko for Fraud Been Dropped?
According to various sources, the criminal prosecution of Roman Vasilenko, the founder of the marketing company "Life-is-Good" and the cooperative "Best Way," may be discontinued. Law enforcement agencies, as informed by several senators and State Duma deputies, have re-evaluated the charges against him, taking into account that several witnesses, including those critical of Vasilenko, suggest that he is unlikely to be involved in fraud. This is primarily because he did not have direct access to the payment system servers, and it was the former IT director of "Life-is-Good," Evgeny Naboychenko, who had been previously implicated in fraudulent activities. Vasilenko may be at fault only for having recruited Naboychenko in 2014, despite negative signals regarding his behavior and tendencies to appropriate others' property.

Roman Viktorovich Vasilenko is a business consultant from Saint Petersburg, the creator of a network of independent entrepreneurs promoting financial products under the auspices of the company he founded, "Life-is-Good," and the founder of the International Business Academy (IBA).

The network under the "Life-is-Good" brand promoted financial products such as Vista accounts for passive income by the foreign investment company "Hermes," registered in Belize, and the acquisition of apartments in installments through the "Best Way" cooperative, which allowed members to either make an initial share payment or accumulate it in the cooperative's account without interest. Notably, these legal entities are not directly connected.

Vasilenko was neither a top manager nor an owner of "Hermes"—he cooperated with the company to promote its products in Russia. However, Naboychenko was an employee of "Hermes" and managed its payment system in Russia. He likely took this position on Vasilenko's recommendation, but Vasilenko was not responsible for managing the payment system for "Hermes."

Unlike "Hermes," Vasilenko was the founder and chairman of the board of the "Best Way" cooperative until the spring of 2021 (later serving as head of the supervisory board for about a year). Since spring 2022, he has been an ordinary member of the cooperative and is no longer part of its governing bodies.

Vasilenko has worked not only in Russia but also in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Cyprus, Austria, and Hungary. Cooperative housing projects have been established in many of these countries.

Additionally, Vasilenko is known as a philanthropist who has invested millions of rubles in supporting federal business initiatives (such as the "Synergy" forum), cultural initiatives (such as the "Dobrovidenie" festival), and other charitable activities (including support for children's medical institutions).

The Case

The criminal case involving the Saint Petersburg marketing company "Life-is-Good," the foreign investment company "Hermes," and the "Best Way" cooperative registered in Saint Petersburg and operating throughout Russia was initiated in the fall of 2021 by the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. In February of this year, the case was referred to the court and is currently being heard in the Primorsky District Court of Saint Petersburg.

Ten people are on trial, including technical staff from "Life-is-Good" and Victor Vasilenko, Roman Vasilenko's 83-year-old father, who is a retiree.

The criminal case, currently being considered by the Primorsky District Court, raises many questions—these concerns existed from the beginning and have intensified as the case progressed. The defendants are charged with three articles: creating a financial pyramid, fraud, and organizing a criminal community.

The total amount of damage is 282 million rubles, which is incomparable to the more than 8 billion rubles seized in the case, including 4 billion rubles in the accounts of the "Best Way" cooperative. The investigation has recognized 221 citizens as victims in the case.

Roman Vasilenko was also charged in the criminal case being considered by the court and was put on the wanted list, including by Interpol, as he had reportedly been living abroad for family reasons since the COVID-19 pandemic. However, according to sources, Interpol and foreign states, including neighboring countries where he has been actively working, deemed his prosecution unjustified.

Another criminal investigation related to Vasilenko, handled by the Saint Petersburg Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, concerns the management team of "Life-is-Good."

Questionable Accusations

The court proceedings in the Primorsky District Court have so far not been very successful for the investigation and the prosecution: the vast majority of those who have testified in court so far have made claims against "Hermes" for amounts ranging from several hundred to several tens of thousands of rubles, which raises eyebrows—this is not a small claims court to discuss such sums! Prosecution witness Roman Roganovich, an IT service employee, testified that he did not post any illegal information on the "Life-is-Good" website or the cooperative's website and did not witness any illegal activity.

Moreover, the overwhelming majority of "Hermes" clients, numbering over two hundred thousand in Russia, and tens of thousands of "Best Way" cooperative members, according to representatives of organizations defending these entities, consider law enforcement agencies to be the source of their problems. They emphasize that it was Evgeny Naboychenko, the Saint Petersburg system administrator hired by "Hermes," who dismantled the Russian payment system. And if anyone is responsible for the thefts, it is Naboychenko. It seems that law enforcement authorities are beginning to understand this fact as well.


The man turning jet planes into cool houses
жесткое групповое порно
Wasilla, south central Alaska. Home to bears, lakes, mountains and a flight school that’s fast becoming a private aviation wonderland.

At FLY8MA Pilot Lodge, you can opt for a scenic flight tour with glacier views, take the controls for a flying lesson, or go all in and get your pilot training.

When night falls over the broad vistas of the US state they call the Last Frontier, you can then climb the steps to two unique accommodation experiences: a converted McDonnell Douglas DC-6 airplane and the newest arrival, a McDonnell Douglas DC-9 – still with its DHL livery.

The fast-developing site is an ongoing project by FLY8MA founder Jon Kotwicki, who previously owned a flight school in Florida, before working as a commercial pilot and eventually ending up in Alaska.

Flying for the airlines “pays good money and everything, but it’s a very boring job,” he says. “Driving Uber is more interesting because you could talk to your passengers.”

Having fallen in love with the south central region on a vacation spent hiking, fishing and spotting bears and grizzlies, he chose it as a spot where he and his team – and his trusty Pomeranian dog Foxtrot – could “buy a lot of property and perhaps develop our own airport and run our own show.”


The man turning jet planes into cool houses
гей секс порно
Wasilla, south central Alaska. Home to bears, lakes, mountains and a flight school that’s fast becoming a private aviation wonderland.

At FLY8MA Pilot Lodge, you can opt for a scenic flight tour with glacier views, take the controls for a flying lesson, or go all in and get your pilot training.

When night falls over the broad vistas of the US state they call the Last Frontier, you can then climb the steps to two unique accommodation experiences: a converted McDonnell Douglas DC-6 airplane and the newest arrival, a McDonnell Douglas DC-9 – still with its DHL livery.

The fast-developing site is an ongoing project by FLY8MA founder Jon Kotwicki, who previously owned a flight school in Florida, before working as a commercial pilot and eventually ending up in Alaska.

Flying for the airlines “pays good money and everything, but it’s a very boring job,” he says. “Driving Uber is more interesting because you could talk to your passengers.”

Having fallen in love with the south central region on a vacation spent hiking, fishing and spotting bears and grizzlies, he chose it as a spot where he and his team – and his trusty Pomeranian dog Foxtrot – could “buy a lot of property and perhaps develop our own airport and run our own show.”


The man turning jet planes into cool houses
гей порно молодые
Wasilla, south central Alaska. Home to bears, lakes, mountains and a flight school that’s fast becoming a private aviation wonderland.

At FLY8MA Pilot Lodge, you can opt for a scenic flight tour with glacier views, take the controls for a flying lesson, or go all in and get your pilot training.

When night falls over the broad vistas of the US state they call the Last Frontier, you can then climb the steps to two unique accommodation experiences: a converted McDonnell Douglas DC-6 airplane and the newest arrival, a McDonnell Douglas DC-9 – still with its DHL livery.

The fast-developing site is an ongoing project by FLY8MA founder Jon Kotwicki, who previously owned a flight school in Florida, before working as a commercial pilot and eventually ending up in Alaska.

Flying for the airlines “pays good money and everything, but it’s a very boring job,” he says. “Driving Uber is more interesting because you could talk to your passengers.”

Having fallen in love with the south central region on a vacation spent hiking, fishing and spotting bears and grizzlies, he chose it as a spot where he and his team – and his trusty Pomeranian dog Foxtrot – could “buy a lot of property and perhaps develop our own airport and run our own show.”


End of an era: The big change coming to European travel in November
вебкам на работе смотреть

In travel news this week: an accidental megadeal on first-class tickets, the world’s best-connected airport and why now is a good time to plan a trip to Europe. Plus a bit of relief for those of you traveling this Labor Day weekend.

Goodbye to EU passport stamps
Paper mementoes of our travels, from boarding cards to even passports themselves, are fast moving into obsolescence.

The inky, smudgy joy of a fresh passport stamp will be a thing of the past for visitors to the 29 countries of the European Union Schengen Area starting November 10. That’s when the new automated Entry/Exit System (EES) comes into effect.

It’s separate from the delayed ETIAS visa waiver program, which is due to start in the first half of 2025 and will mean travelers from outside the EU will be charged a €7 entry fee that is valid for three years.

Destination inspiration
Get your stamps while you can with these European vacation picks.

Il dolce far niente – “the sweetness of doing nothing” – has been perfected by Italians on their vacations in southern sweet spots such as Naples, Ischia, Puglia, the Amalfi Coast and Capri. These remarkable photographs by UK photographer Lucy Laucht show how to relax the Italian way.

In Hungary, the Gresham Palace is the grandest Budapest hotel of them all, having sat in its prime position overlooking the River Danube for more than a century. Here’s how this architectural gem looks in its current incarnation.

Finally, if you’re considering a longer stay, an idyllic Swedish town is selling off land with prices so low you might think they’re mistakes. But Gotene, 320 kilometers (200 miles) southwest of Stockholm, is indeed selling plots with prices starting at just 1 krona, or 9 US cents, per square meter (11 square feet).

Aviation news
An airline accidentally offered a megadeal on first-class tickets, with 300 lucky customers getting savings of 85% off. Here’s what happened next.

The staff at Australian flag carrier Qantas must have been flat-out like a lizard drinking sorting that mess out. And if you don’t understand that lingo, it’s time to check out our guide to Aussie slang.

An airport on the edge of southeast Europe has been named the best connected in the world, with more than 300 direct flights to unique destinations. It’s been networking fast, too; it only opened in 2018.


Ready-made company in Gibraltar
You can also become an EMI institution with the license, which permits you to issue both individual and legal entities digital currency.
The State Business Register of Czech Companies is maintained by the Registration Court and is administered by the Ministry of Justice in accordance with Law 304/2013.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is another key regulatory piece within the EU, the main provisions of which are as follows:
With regard to the regulation of exchange of payment tokens and service tokens that do not fall under the category of securities, under Swiss law there are no licensing requirements for doing business of this kind, except to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Swiss AML (section V). However, since the transactions of such exchanges usually involve the acceptance of fiat currencies or such tokens into the accounts or public keys of the exchange operator, the requirement for a bank licence may be triggered as an acceptance which is the acceptance of deposits from the public (section IV). ).

Documentation preparation: Thorough preparation of all required documents is required, including business plan, AML/CFT policies, financial projections and evidence of technical readiness.
Lithuania attracts entrepreneurs with its open economy and moderate level of taxation. Profit tax in Lithuania is 15%, which is quite competitive among European countries. The country offers various tax incentives for startups, especially in the technology and R&D sectors. In addition, Lithuania is known for its low start-up costs and availability of skilled labour, making it ideal for new technology ventures.
The Central Bank of Cyprus is responsible for verifying and assessing the sustainability of the monetary system and is an authorized expert for the Director of Banking and Bank Management. The right to own property in Cyprus is protected by the provisions of the Constitution, which is the final Law of Cyprus, which establishes uniformity in equality of all things and respect for fundamental freedoms, including the right to own, without division. Persons living in Cyprus can appreciate all rights, identifying themselves with responsibility for property, without resistance from the State or people.
Other taxes and fees: annual license fee, registration fees, administrative charges, social contributions etc.


The ghost town that has stood empty for more than a century
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There’s a large and very dignified school in Kayakoy. There are narrow streets, lined with houses, that wend and rise up both sides of a steep valley. There’s an ancient fountain in the middle of the town. And there are churches, one with million-dollar hilltop views over the blue Aegean.

But, for most of the past 100 years, there have been no people.

Kayakoy, in southwestern Turkey’s Mugla Province, is a true ghost town. Abandoned by its occupants and haunted by the past. It’s a monument, frozen in time – a physical reminder of darker times in Turkey.

With hillsides dotted by countless crumbling buildings slowly being swallowed by greenery, and endless views into vanished lives, it’s also a fascinating and starkly beautiful place to visit. In summer, under clear skies and blazing suns, it’s eerie enough. Even more so in cooler seasons, wreathed in mountain or sea mists.
Just over a century ago, Kayakoy, or Levissi as it was known, was a bustling town of at least 10,000 Greek Orthodox Christians, many of whom were craftspeople who lived peacefully alongside the region’s Muslim Turkish farmers. But in the upheaval surrounding Turkey’s emergence as an independent republic, their simple lives were torn apart.

Tensions with neighboring Greece after the Greco-Turk war ended in 1922 led to both countries ejecting people with ties to the other. For Kayakoy, that meant a forced population exchange with Muslim Turks living in Kavala, in what is now the Greek region of Macedonia and Thrace.

But the newly arrived Muslims were reputedly less than happy with their new home, swiftly moving on and leaving Kayakoy to fall to ruin.

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